Monday, September 6, 2010

Where's God?

A young friend of mine who visited Haiti this summer recently blogged about his visit and work here. In his writing, he alluded to the difficulty he had in "seeing God" in Haiti. The greed, violence, poverty, corruption, and filth can indeed make it hard to find God here. Perhaps it is in this "Godlessness" that Haiti cries out the loudest. As Jesus taught and lived, those who are healthy don't need the Doctor. I am convicted that Haiti is a county we are called to serve as Christians.

I am currently re-reading the book "Radical" by David Platt. It presents the very convincing argument that to remain safe, and comfortably living our American dream, is probably about as far  from Christianity as one can be. Radical? Yes. In reading the gospels and figuring out how to really live them out, we are called to a radically different life than those around us.

Saying "yes" to God is not easy. At times, it is like recovering from addiction in that it calls for living minute to minute in continuing surrender. My will is so strong. My life at home can be so comfortable. Security is so very alluring. God calls me to surrender all to Him. Am I really willing to give it all up for Him? When I look at the absence of God in places like Haiti, can I live knowing that this blood will be on my hands if I don't?

Peace and grace,

1 comment:

  1. You are one "Radical" dude, my Friend.
    May we ALL be as radical as JESUS.
    We are praying for you always, Randy. . . and for your family.

    Much love, joemc & Sybil
