Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Three Earthquake Orphans

Religion that God, our Papa accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
 James 1: 27

We were blessed with a safe, but chaotic return from the DR to Haiti yesterday. We had so many patients waiting our return, I felt guilty for being away. Sandro is busier than ever in the OR, I am very busy working with scheduling cases, arranging medical teams for June and early July, distributing health care supplies to other hospitals and clinics, and making travel arrangements to visit the vacant hospital in Port.

Amidst all of this, I have had an incredible urge over the past few days to read and meditate on the first 2 chapters of James. As God's Spirit reveals more and more of the truths in this passage, I am amazed at how much it applies to the work here in Haiti. I had a lot of problems reconciling the whole faith/works thing with Grace for many years. I have come to a much better understanding and acceptance of it through my work here in Haiti, and then being Spirit led to read and think on this passage.

My prayer today is that each one that reads this, will ask God to provide wisdom and understanding, then read these 2 powerful chapters in James. I am convinced that they will change lives. As churches, I pray that James 1:27 can be read, understood, and applied. It is so easy to stray from this with all of the pulls of the world/Satan. In reality, God makes it pretty easy for us.

I am neither a preacher nor a teacher - Just a poor guy with some medical knowledge and skills trying to make a difference in the world while glorifying God, and showing people that God loved them enough that He sent Jesus to die for us so we could be His. You just have to believe - Really believe - My family is living proof that He will take care of the rest.

Grace and peace,

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Randy. The poor are truly rich in faith. This is one reason I keep returning to the developing world; we can become lost in a culture of instant gratification, eletronic distractions and increased interpersonal isolation. James 1:27 is really what is is all about. Keep up the great work!
